Non-Player Character Profile


Location: The desert city of Karmal
Race: Human
Episodes: Series 4, Episodes 6-8
Appearance:  Jar is bespectacled and scholarly in appearance, but a little unprepared.  Hey has lots of possessions
and yet his clothes are in need of repair and he did not have a way of travelling from Karmal to the lake.

Jar was friendly and interested upon meeting the party and wasn’t afraid to talk about the mission that he and Ntay were on.  Sometimes his comments became wayward or vague, but it was unclear whether this was as a result of his meandering thoughts or perhaps that he was concealing some information.  The reason for the mission to find the Lake of Aston was put down to ‘archeological interest’.

Background:  No background is known except that Ntay is from the a place she calls ‘Freedom Island’.  They
are on a mission to discover a fabled Aston Lake underneath the Da that is said to have existed when this land was a vibrant Elven kingdom.

What Happened during the Roleplay:  Contains spoilers – if you haven’t watched/listened to Episode 8…
The party won enough credit to buy camels. They then asked Jar and Ntay to accompany them North as this was the
direction both of their lake and of a mysterious power the party were searching for.  Together they discovered a
magically hidden bandit camp and attempted to sneak in.  This resulted in a fight with bandits and a mysterious and magical race of camels.

Chance of recurring in future episodes:  None.  Jar was killed in the fight at the hidden bandit camp.

Portraits used:
60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’

Level 4, Episode 8

What Lies Beyond

Somewhere in the Da lurks a creature with enough power to
worry an ancient lich.  The party venture
into the unknown in search of the creature and to return with new servants for
the Lich Lord, Hayyaes.

This episode combines over 2 sessions of online D&D roleplaying.

Non-Player Character Profile

Disciples of GMESH

Location: The desert city of Karmal
Race: Demonic, specifics unknown
Episodes: Series 4, Episode 5, Brawl in the Boiler
Appearance:  Upon entering Karmel, the party make enquiries in the Boiler tavern and are accosted by two tall, mysterious, cloaked figures seeking a cleric of Pelor.

They demonstrated no personality, but that may be because they were trying poorly to blend in.

Background:  No background is known.  Leigheas is keen to learn more about them though in case they return.

What Happened during the Roleplay:  Rather than reveal their cleric, Leigheas, to the demons, Hector pretended to be a masseur and insisted on giving one of them a rub-down, before plunging his blade into its back.  He, Leigheas and Pevel then killed one before the other managed to disaparate.

Chance of recurring in future episodes:  According to magical lady Irisha, the disciples of GMESH are known to take right-of-passage contracts out on Godly followers, so they can expect a more determined attempt as this demonic disciple seeks to finish what he started.

Character Portraits used: Based on 60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’

Level 4, Episode 7

Tales of the Liakhara

With favour to spend in Karmal, the party are able to plot
their mission for Lichlord Hayyaes.  But
should they journey into the unknown or towards a great, magical power?

The journey starts with the result of the Camel Race, which will surely go to one of the group.  But what follows takes a ‘bazaar’ turn and reveals some magical secrets.

Non-Player Character Profile

Captain Nimitz

Location: The desert city of Arlatla
Race: Lizard Folk
Episodes: Series 2, Episode 9, Red Hall Part 5
Appearance:  Nimitz towers above most lizard fol and wears the armour of Arlatla over his tunic.

Personality:  There is no doubt, Nimitz believes in power and position.  He used his rank as a lever to assert his authority and could be cruel if his position was not respected.

Background:  No background is known, but this ambitious lizard was native to Arlatla and understood the ladder which he wished to climb.

What Happened during the Roleplay:  He found the party as he was looking for ‘volunteers’ to go protect the Bullywug engineers in repairing the heating pipes.  He did not take Hector’s hostilities well and punished him severely. At that moment a seething Hector swore vengeance and made the sure the party paid him a visit before they left the city.

Chance of recurring in future episodes:  Zero.  Hector got his revenge.  Nomo dealt the fatal blow and Nimitz’s corpse landed on a hapless Pevel.

Character Portraits used: 60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’

Non-Player Character Profile


Location: The desert city of Arlatla
Race: Lizard Folk
Episodes: Series 2, Episode 9, Red Hall Part 4 & 5
Appearance:  Grinx appears smartly dressed, and has a study of his own as well as servants to attend him.

Personality: None of the party are familiar with lizard folk, but Grinx appears to be honest, if a little impatient.  His is discreet, and not above breaking rules if it suits him.

Background: Little is known about Grinx.  He has risen to a high rank in the Artlatla guard, but he has not elevated himself enough to have entered the Red Hall.

What Happened during the Roleplay:  He negotiated with the party to give them entrance into the Red Hall and provided them with a map.  In return he insisted on payment and an item as a deposit.  He bargained hard, but also believed Leigheas’ ruse that the ‘Erol Flinn’ armour was worth as much as a ship.

When the party returned from the Red Hall he sent his servant to aid their escape.

Chance of recurring in future episodes:  Low.  They may return to Arlatla at some point but it is unlikely that Grinx will want anything to do with these wanted killers now that their agreement is settled.

Character Portraits used:
60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’

Non-Player Character Profile


Location: Travelling Merchant
Race: Human
Episodes: Series 2, Episode 6-9
Appearance:  Scruffy with unkempt hair and a caravan

Personality: A smile is always present and civility close at hand, but there is a shrewd businessman underneath.

Background: Diafre is a merchant from a line of merchants.  He carries out his business with many family members accompanying him in the caravan, including his son.

What Happened during the Roleplay:  The party encountered Diafre on the way to Arlatla.  He had abandoned the trip there because a monster; a gibbering mouther was camping further along, but he made a deal with the party to get them connected in Arlatla if they could deal with the monster.

Chance of recurring in future episodes:
 High.  Diafre is looking after the horses and they will want to visit him before they return to the old road across the Da.

Character Portraits used:
60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’

Level 4, Episode 5

Brawl in the Boiler

So much for information gathering in a quiet tavern…

Upon arriving at the fortified desert town of Karmel, the party gain directions to the Boiler – a tavern frequently by Pat’s band, the Yardbards.  But they soon get more then just information as they encounter gamblers, desert explorers and mysterious monks.

Also, Pat’s new ring keeps tingling, and why do those monks want a Cleric of Pelor?

Non-Player Character Profile

Name: Llanrol
Race: Wood Elf
Location: The Da Desert, above Mid-Nis
Episodes: Series 2, episode 1
Appearance:  Thin, serious, orderly but with dirty, outdoor garments.

Personality: Studious and generally open to others who do not act aggressively.

Background: From the Eastern Glade, near the town of Mid-Nis, Llanrol trained in Vatet as an archaeologist  specialising in the arcane and ancient elven races of Chandanis.

What Happened during the Roleplay:  Llanrol met the party as they were heading to a newly-uncovered site in the Da.  He provided information as a curtesy and hoped that the party would share any findings with him.  They have not looked him up.

Chance of recurring in future episodes:  Low.  Llanrol continues to research the ancient civilisations of the land and hunts forartifacts but will not travel far from the Eastern Glade.

Character Portraits used:  60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’