Non-Player Character Profile


Location: The desert city of Karmal
Race: Human
Episodes: Series 4, Episodes 6 onwards
Appearance:  N’tay appears to be in traveler garbs and a 3 cornered- hat.  Her appearance gives little away  except that she is not as defenseless as her academic colleague, Jar.

Personality: She appeared shy at first and not ready to communicate information.  She could occasionally be seen nudging Jar and keep their information vague.  She truly comes to life in battle, however, and seems to prefer physical activity to diplomacy.

Background:  N’tay is from a place she calls ‘Freedom Island’.  The party know little else about this location but do know where she and Jar intend to go; they are on a mission to discover a fabled lake underneath the Da that is said to have existed when this land was a vibrant Elven kingdom called Chandanis.

What Happened during the Roleplay:  After the party won enough town credit to buy camels they asked Jar and N’tay to accompany them North as this was the direction both of their lake and of a mysterious power the party were searching for.  Together they discovered a magically hidden bandit camp and attempted to sneak in.  This resulted in a fight in which N’tay proved extremely deadly cutting down many magical camels and bandits.  Unfortunately she was not able to save her companion, Jar.

Chance of recurring in future episodes:  Very high.  She seems determined to carry out their mission and that means continuing the trail into the bandit camp to discover the magical secrets therein and hopefully a way to the  underground lake.

Character Portraits used: 60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’

Non-Player Character Profile


Location: The desert city of Karmal
Race: Human
Episodes: Series 4, Episodes 6-8
Appearance:  Jar is bespectacled and scholarly in appearance, but a little unprepared.  Hey has lots of possessions
and yet his clothes are in need of repair and he did not have a way of travelling from Karmal to the lake.

Jar was friendly and interested upon meeting the party and wasn’t afraid to talk about the mission that he and Ntay were on.  Sometimes his comments became wayward or vague, but it was unclear whether this was as a result of his meandering thoughts or perhaps that he was concealing some information.  The reason for the mission to find the Lake of Aston was put down to ‘archeological interest’.

Background:  No background is known except that Ntay is from the a place she calls ‘Freedom Island’.  They
are on a mission to discover a fabled Aston Lake underneath the Da that is said to have existed when this land was a vibrant Elven kingdom.

What Happened during the Roleplay:  Contains spoilers – if you haven’t watched/listened to Episode 8…
The party won enough credit to buy camels. They then asked Jar and Ntay to accompany them North as this was the
direction both of their lake and of a mysterious power the party were searching for.  Together they discovered a
magically hidden bandit camp and attempted to sneak in.  This resulted in a fight with bandits and a mysterious and magical race of camels.

Chance of recurring in future episodes:  None.  Jar was killed in the fight at the hidden bandit camp.

Portraits used:
60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’