Name: Dais
Race: Human
Location: The Garden Feast pub in the town of Feaston
Episodes: Series 2, episode 1
Appearance: Weather-worn from working in the gardens and slightly overweight.
Personality: Very agreeable and an excellent hostess.
Background: Dais runs the pub with a group of other farmhands. Her business skills and charisma means that she operates the place and in turn supports the other farms.
What Happened during the Roleplay: Dais welcomed Leigheas as a known customer and they shared a belief and reverence of the God, Pelor. For his good will she provided the cleric and his companions free drinks.
Chance of recurring in future episodes: Moderate. If they are in the area they know they can find a good welcome there.
Character Portraits used: 60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’