Aquatic NPCs

In a week when the Best Picture at the Oscars featured a fishy lead in The Shape of Water, here is a way to introduce a fishy feel to your D&D campaign. Set these NPCs loose on the story, for free:

Merfolk Warlock (Level 4) and a Merrow Fighter (Level 4)

These characters are part of a Sub-Aquatic Six Pack I have created. All six characters have been given character class levels and a rich backstory to bring them to life. If you’re interested in taking a look at the full version, it is available on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, for under $5.

If you are interested and do get a copy, please let me know what you think.

Customizable Drinks Table

Many campaigns and one-shots use taverns for their setting, which makes sense as it is often a place for common folk – be they humans or otherwise – to gather and share news over nourishing refreshments. But how do you make your next tavern feel authentic and not another cookie-cutter bar with the same tables, patrons and the mead for sale?

One fun way to keep your players interested is to create varied and mysterious drinks. These can not only provide a local flavor but could also affect the players as well as the weight of the purse.

I designed the following drinks tables for anyone to enjoy so please feel free to use or alter for your own games. The names of the drinks are split into 3 parts with the effects and price from each section described next to it. Like the names, the effects are prices are accumulated together from all 3 sections.

Customizable Drinks Menu.pdf