Name: Llanrol
Race: Wood Elf
Location: The Da Desert, above Mid-Nis
Episodes: Series 2, episode 1
Appearance: Thin, serious, orderly but with dirty, outdoor garments.
Personality: Studious and generally open to others who do not act aggressively.
Background: From the Eastern Glade, near the town of Mid-Nis, Llanrol trained in Vatet as an archaeologist specialising in the arcane and ancient elven races of Chandanis.
What Happened during the Roleplay: Llanrol met the party as they were heading to a newly-uncovered site in the Da. He provided information as a curtesy and hoped that the party would share any findings with him. They have not looked him up.
Chance of recurring in future episodes: Low. Llanrol continues to research the ancient civilisations of the land and hunts forartifacts but will not travel far from the Eastern Glade.
Character Portraits used: 60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’