Creating Roleplay ideas based on randomly generated words. Here’s today’s selection. Discover more about Shrill Experts, Replaces Confining and Onions Relatives.
Shrill Experts
There are creatures called Rills that are so advanced in terms of sound manipulation that they can harm and stun their opponents with the mere use of their voices. Unlike most humanoids they have 4 lungs and many air vents. They also have keen ears. Their incredible aural powers have been developed mainly as a result of internal wars, meaning their own audible defences are also very strong. In terms of physique they are top-heavy with good strength and wasp-like eyes on either side of their head. Their legs are thin with bird-like feet, giving them good agility and balance. There is a rarer mutation that gives them four legs, and these are revered in Rill culture and obtain a high status in their society.
Replaces Confining
Welcome to Hamrash prison. This salty plane of existence is a giant, infertile field. Plants do grow here – a variant of water cress – but they have little nutritional value and the prisoners need to eat a lot of them in order to survive, essentially turning them into cattle. There is one pool of water and the city state has created a number of artificial shelters. The prison is very effective in humbling and wearing down the most temperamental of prisoners, but the city state has the moral issue of deciding whether to ‘police’ the prisoners’ behaviour in the prison or to leave them to it.
Onion Relatives
These rotund humanoids known as Inshi, appear to have a shiny, glossy skin. It enables them to regenerate damaged cells and recover hit points. The skin can also be shed, peeling back to reveal an inner skin without the ailments of the outer. When they choose to do this, their maximum hit points and strength are reduced, but they are fit and healthy once more. Only a severe wound would affect the inner layers. They have approximately five working layers (depending on the individual) before the inner organs become exposed. Here is an example of their stats in 5e (Int, Wis and Cha stay the same):
Outer Layer: Str:16, Dex:10, Con: 18, Hit points = 40, Regeneration rate = 0
Layer 2: Str:14, Dex:12, Con: 16, Hit points = 34, Reg. rate = 1 hp/round
Layer 3: Str:12, Dex:14, Con: 14, Hit points = 28, Reg. rate = 2 hp/round
Layer 4: Str:10, Dex:16, Con: 12, Hit points = 22, Reg. rate = 3 hp/round
Layer 5: Str:8, Dex:18, Con: 10, Hit points = 16, Reg. rate = 4 hp/round
The Inshi can recover their outer skin(s), but it is a painful process that takes a considerable amount of time to do.