Name: Pevel
Played by: Dan
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Rogue
Strengths: Charisma and Dexterity
Weaknesses: Strength and a weasely disposition, described by the player as ‘pathetic’.
Additional Notes from Player: Dan describes Pevel as “a weasely blub of cowardice. A young man that would betray all his friends to avoid being bullied again, a fat Rincewind, an adolescent Falstaff with the humour, pathetic.”
Development during series 1: Pevel has indeed been cowardly, but his survival skills have allowed him to be sneaky and do anything to avoid near-death experiences. We also learned in series 1 that Pevel comes from the town of Mid-Nis, which proves useful when the group have to make haste.
Character Portraits used:
60 Terrible Character Portraits for Creative Commons Release by ‘A Terrible Idea’