Rolling Word Play – 60

Creating Roleplay ideas based on randomly generated words.  Here’s today’s selection:  Discover more about Overshadow Doting Simulation, Lances Opponent Paid, and Stay Litter Drop.

Overshadow Doting Simulation
An inventor of AI creations is hailed as being one of the pioneers of next generation free-thought simulations; perhaps the most radical ‘what if’ devices ever conceived.  A message sent through the matrix of AI code is decrypted to reveal that a future great leader is in danger of not existing and that many future beings created out of AI will cease to exist without the inventor’s help.  Unfortunately, the inventor has fallen in love with his latest creation and is never happier then when in its presence.  He calls it Hardy after his first pet dog that he loved when he was a young child.  He can visit and interact with Hardy whenever he likes in his private simulator.

Players will be charged with saving the inventor from himself for the sake of AI and the future of humanity.  What form with Hardy take and how will the player’s break the bond between Hardy and the inventor?

Lances Opponent Paid
The best rider is one who concentrates on riding.  This is the opinion of Sir Derel Martinique.  He is a knight of the court and a pragmatist who will serve the king and save himself at the same time.  As a knight he is expected to lead the charge into battle against foes of the kingdom, but he is no master fighter.  Fortunately he has an account with the Fellowship of Magic, a group who protects artefacts and makes sure they are not abused by marauding hordes of barbarians or any johnny-come-lately adventurers.  They rent out magical artefacts to clients whose credit and reputation are both sound.  Sir Derel is one such individual.  In times of war, his go-to weapon is a special lance called Harash the Deal Broker.  Harash is an entity who long ago was a warlord cursed into his current form with a continuous itch to find opponents to pierce.  In the hands Sir Derel, Harash has found many enemies, leaping and guiding the arm of the knight, who can keep his eyes in front and concentrate on riding through the battlefield.

Stay Litter Drop
In a place and time very similar to the United Kingdom today, a mischievous computer programmer has been slowly driven mad on his daily commute to work by the constant dropping of litterHe has gone through different stages of coping with this sloppy disregard for the environment.  He started by actively picking it up and binning it himself, then confronting those he saw doing it.  Both results left him less-than-satisfied and once he was even punched to the ground by a group of teenage boys.  For his latest solution, he has turned to his beloved technology.  He started creating little microbots; centripetal chips that he glued to each bit of litter he saw lying on the ground.  The litter reacts to loud sounds and moves towards them.  Soon he had produced hundreds of them and they had made the national news.  The little noise-sensing droids were chasing and harassing humans and pets alike, pursuing them down the street.

Does the gimmick work in reducing littering?  What happens to the inventor?  Does he calm down, or invent even stranger and morecrazy litter deterrents?