GM Tools

Do you want some assistance with running your game? Here are some of the products I’ve created to make life easier when running campaigns. GM Tools are items designed to make running games smoother and quicker.  If you have something in mind that you’d like to use but cannot see it in the products, below, let me know. I’m always happy to create new products that will help my fellow gamers!

ImageGM Tools
Birds: Companions & Encounters
70 unique birds, from useful companions to awe-inspiring winged beasts.
Available from DMsGuild
TPK Last Resort
This d20 table of options provides a last resort when things get desperate. A last roll of the dice to see if there is a way out despite the insurmountable odds.
Available from DMsGuild
Unique NPCs
100-created NPCs, ready for interaction!
Available from DMsGuild
NPC Creator
Create Non-Player Characters (NPCs) easily and uniquely!
Available from DMsGuild
City Creator
Create your own cities, quickly and without stress with this set of tables.
Available from DMsGuild
Island Creator
Create your own islands, quickly and without stress with this set of tables.
Available from DMsGuild
Treasure: 100 Non-Magical Items
100 unique non-magical treasures that can provide an adventure party with sometimes useful, sometimes mysterious, but always sellable goods.
Available from DMsGuild
Minor Magic Items
100 unique magical items that can provide an adventure party with useful, strange and powerful items.
Available from DMsGuild
Hybrid Creatures: Festive Edition
Twenty unique festive-themed creatures combined to create fun and sometimes terrifying way to mix things up!
Available from DMsGuild
Hybrid Creatures
Twenty horror-themed D&D creatures combined to create fun and sometimes terrifying way to mix things up!
Available from DMsGuild
Hybrid Creatures
Twenty classic D&D creatures combined to create fun and sometimes terrifying way to mix things up!
Available from DMsGuild
The Fighting Pit
8 unarmed opponents ready to wrestle for your entertainment and prize money.
Available from the DMs Guild
Random Mission Tables
A series of tables for rolling up new missions for the party to undertake.
Available from the DMs Guild
Song Titles for All Occasions
The tables draw on several musical styles for inspiration to create 1,000 different possibilities.

Available from DrivethruRPG
Deck of Many Foes
52 unique challenging foes for DnD 5e campaigns. Available from the DMs Guild
War of the Wilds
This scenario settings provides fun and interesting table-based options. Available from the DMs Guild
Mythical Quarterstaffs
This collection contains 12 remarkable magic quarterstaffs. Available from the DMs Guild
Critical Roll Options CoverCritical Roll Options
Adding exciting possibilities to critical hits and misses.
Available from DMs Guild
Treasures of the Desert
This exciting collection delves into 101 magical items from the ages, all of which have since been hidden by the desert sands.
Available from the DMs Guild
Glitzz's Guide to Potions and Floral Amulets
35 unique magical potions and floral amulets, rated by rarity and with a full list of ingredients.
Available from the DMs Guild
Compendium of Fantastical Ideas
combines all five books from the Fantastical Ideas series.
Available from DrivethruRPG
Fantastical Ideas for Creature Encounters
In this pack, you will find sixty creatures, each with their own quest idea.

Available from
DrivethruRPG and Gumroad
Character Encounters CoverFantastical Ideas for Character Encounters
In this pack, you will find sixty characters, each with their own quest idea.

Available from
DrivethruRPG and Gumroad
Fantastical Ideas for Curious Items
In this pack, you will find sixty Curious, odd and magical Items, each with its own quest idea.

Available from
DrivethruRPG and Gumroad
Rural EncountersFantastical Ideas for Rural Encounters
This book contains sixty different Rural-themed ideas that can be added to any story-based scenario.

Available from
DrivethruRPG and Gumroad
Urban EncountersFantastical Ideas for Urban Encounters
This book contains sixty different Urban-themed ideas that can be added to any story-based scenario.

Available from
DrivethruRPG and Gumroad
A simple RPG system that is story-focussed and can work with any theme.
Available from DrivethruRPG
Boxes of the Magi
Over 370 magical boxes, each containing a unique D&D creature and the effects stored within!
Available from the DMs Guild
Creating Unique Magical Items
A collection of tables that allows the Dungeon Master and players to roll for strange, quirky or highly useful items.
Available from the DMs Guild
Customizable Drinks Menu
Create varied and mysterious drinks to provide a local flavour but could also affect the players as well as the weight of their purse.
Available from the DMs Guild
The Magic of Nature
Included in this tome are 50 magical botanicals. These are potent enough, but if mixed correctly with other ingredients, their magical properties can create up to 35 different potions or floral amulets.
Available from DrivethruRPG
NPC Builder
This provides NPCs with a unique set of skills that are easy for the DM to manage and will make combat less predictable for players.
Available the DMs Guild
Diabolical Six Pack
In this pack, you will find six fiendish characters based on creatures from the D&D 5th edition books.
Available from the DMs Guild
Sub-Aquatic Six Pack
In this pack, you will find six aquatic characters inspired and created for Dungeons & Dragons campaigns.
Available from the DMs Guild